IERS Rapid Service / Prediction Center
U.S. Naval Observatory
Bulletin A
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IERS Bulletin A Plots
Polar Motion
Polar motion over time, where time increases along the z-axis in the positive direction. The plot on the left shows polar motion since 1973, while the plot on the right shows polar motion for the last 5 years.
Polar Motion (PM) x over time. The top plot shows variations in PM-x since 1973, while the bottom plot shows PM-x variations for the last 5 years.
Polar Motion (PM) y over time. The top plot shows variations in PM-y since 1973, while the bottom plot shows PM-y variations for the last 5 years.
Length of Day (LOD)
Length of Day (LOD) over time, with solid-Earth tides removed. The top plot shows variations in LOD since 1973, while the bottom plot shows LOD variations for the last 5 years.