The following files are provided by the IERS Rapid Service/Prediction Center: Latest issue of IERS Bulletin A, updated weekly (Thursday) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ser7.dat - The weekly IERS Bulletin A contains the IERS rapid service and predictions of Earth orientation parameters. Available by ftp, web, e-mail, and paper. readme.bulla - Explanatory material for the IERS Bulletin A. Available by ftp and web. Standard data files, updated weekly (Thursday) ---------------------------------------------------------------- finals.all - This file (updated weekly) is the complete Earth orientation data set, since 2 January 1973 with 1 year of predictions. The nutation series in dPSI and dEPSILON uses the IAU 1980 Nutation Theory. Available by ftp and web. - This file (updated weekly) is the same as "finals.all" except since 1 January 1992. Available by ftp and web. readme.finals - Explains the format for "finals.all" and "". Available by ftp and web. finals2000A.all - This file (updated weekly) is the complete Earth orientation data set, since 2 January 1973 with 1 year of predictions. The nutation series in dX and dY uses the IAU 2000A Nutation Theory. Available by ftp and web. - This file (updated weekly) is the same as "finals2000A.all" except since 1 January 1992. Available by ftp and web. readme.finals2000A - Explains the format for "finals2000A.all" and "". Available by ftp and web. gpsrapid.out - This file (updated weekly) contains all Earth orientation parameters values since 1 May 1992 (with 15 days of predictions). Available by ftp, web, and e-mail. readme.gpsrapid -- Explains the format for "gpsrapid.out". Available by ftp and web. mark3.out - A concise, simple file format containing only rapid service and prediction of Earth orientation parameters (with 90 days of predictions). Available by ftp, web, and e-mail. Daily data files, updated daily (normally about 17:05 UTC) ---------------------------------------------------------- [Recommended for highest accuracy real-time applications] finals.daily - This file is similar to "" except it is updated daily and contains values only for the last 90 days (plus 90 days of predictions). Available by ftp and web. readme.finals - Explains the format for "finals.daily". Available by ftp and web. finals2000A.daily - This file is similar to "" except it is updated daily and contains values only for the last 90 days (plus 90 days of predictions). Available by ftp and web. readme.finals2000A - Explains the format for "finals2000A.daily". Available by ftp and web. gpsrapid.daily - This file is similar to "gpsrapid.out" except it is updated daily and contains values only for the last 90 days (plus 15 days of predictions). Available by ftp and web. readme.gpsrapid -- Explains the format for "gpsrapid.out". Available by ftp and web. Delta T values ---------------------------------------------------------- [For use only for low accuracy users] - This file contains monthly Delta T (TT-UT1) values. It is updated approximately every quarter. Available by ftp and web. deltat.preds - This file contains quarterly predictions of Delta T. It is updated approximately once per year. Available by ftp and web. - This file contains Delta T (TT-UT1) values from the McCarthy and Babcock (1986) paper. This file is not updated. Available by ftp and web. tai-utc.dat - This file documents the relationship between TAI and UTC, including all accumulated leap seconds. Available by ftp and web. Files from the IERS Earth Orientation Center (at the Paris Observatory) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bulb.dat - The most recent (monthly) IERS Bulletin B containing the final values of Earth orientation parameters. The annual "Explanatory Supplement to IERS Bulletins A and B" explains the IERS Earth orientation products. It is available at . Discontinued files ------------------ tpmdat.dat - These low-accuracy Earth orientation prediction coefficients are no longer distributed.